Sunday, November 1, 2009

Hooked Wool Flower Garden

Well, I finally got all of my hooked wool flower brooches loaded on Etsy. Brooch is a funny word, it doesn't seem appropriate for a piece of lovely jewelry, it sounds more like a tool you would use or some kind of vehicle you would drive. Anyway, I am having a SALE on them and wanted to make sure they were all ready to go. I still need to figure out the photography thing. Photography is simply, another one of those things on my list of things to learn. But, for the most part I think they are pretty good pictures. Some of the colors and lighting could be better, but I am just going to roll with it.
Since I was featured in her last book on collage,
Jane Davies has asked me to offer some more pieces for her upcoming book and I need to get some things off in the mail to her by will probably end up being Tuesday. With an extra hour this morning, a quiet hour as it seems now, I am headed to my studio. I am working on several things and mornings are great for creating. See you later!

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